Friday, January 17, 2014

Publix: Deals on vitamins and bandages

A couple of weeks ago, I started the Friday Figures link up here at Frugal Follies.  It replaces the old Wednesday Weekly Shopping.  I'm glad I restarted the linkup, because it helps me save!

I go to Publix on Thursday or Friday for the deals I find, but then over the weekend, I check out the other shopping trips in the linkup.  Sometimes I find deals that I completely overlooked.

For instance, last week I missed deals for Sundown vitamins and Band-Aid bandages.  So I went to Publix again before the end of the shopping week to catch these deals.  I also got some more Babybel cheese (the first package disappeared within a day of the last shopping trip) and bananas (I dislike the ones at ALDI).

Here are all the details:

3.03 lb bananas @ 69¢/lb = $2.09

2 Band-Aid bandages @ $2.39 = $4.78
- $2/2 Band-Aid products printable (zip 03103)
- 2 $0.75/1 Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Brand Gauzes, Covers, Wraps or Tapes, COACH Sports Care Item or BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages, exp. 1/17/14 (Publix Purple H&B Advantage)
=  $1.28 for two, or 64¢ each

4 Sundown vitamins totaling $20.66
- 4 $1/1 Sundown Naturals Vitamin or Supplement, exp. 3/6/14 (RP 01/05/14 #2)
- 2 $5/2 Sundown Naturals Vitamins or Supplements, exp. 1/17/14 (Publix Purple H&B Advantage)
= $6.66 for four, or $1.67 each

2 Mini Babybel @ $2.50 = $5.00
- 2 $1.00 off any one mini Babybel cheese product
= $3.00 for two, or $1.50 each

- $5 off $30 Winn-Dixie coupon (Enjoy the City)

Total spent: $8.03
Total saved compare to Publix full prices: $27.44

(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)


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