Thursday, December 12, 2013

Make a First Aid Kit & $100 American Express Gift Card Giveaway

Thanks to Northwest Pharmacy for sponsoring this giveaway!

Do you have a first aid kit at home?  Do you have one in your car?

Having a well-stocked kit stocked with first-aid supplies is essential!  You'll have it on hand when there are minor emergencies at home as well as on the go.  Make sure to check it regularly to see if anything needs replacing, either because it's been used or because the expiration dates on products have passed.

What should you put in your first-aid kit?  Here are a few suggestions from the Red Cross:
  • adhesive bandages and antibiotic ointment
  • latex gloves
  • roller bandages
  • gauze pads
  • tweezers
  • cold compress
  • breathing barrier for performing CPR
  • scissors
  • aspirin
  • thermometer
  • flashlight
  • blanket
  • first aid instruction booklet
Many of these items can be found at local drug stores and grocery stores - even better if you can get them on sale and use coupons!  But don't delay making a first aid kit just to get a good deal.  Items can also be purchased online as well - for instance, NorthWest Pharmacy has some great deals!

Now that you know how to make a first aid kit, how about a great giveaway to help you pay for it?

Enter for a chance to win a $100 American Express gift card! 

Open to US and Canada, 18+
Giveaway ends on December 31, 2013
Sponsored by Northwest Pharmacy

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)


Anonymous,  December 29, 2013 at 6:37 AM   4

This is a great sweeps

Becky Mc Dowell
beckybopp at netzero dot com

jackie lauren December 30, 2013 at 6:03 PM   5

I am a machinist we work with steel and sharp objects all day.I have spent much money on first aid kits for home and work and as well as one for my german shepherd.ya just never know when something will happen

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