My Garden Post Vertical Garden System Giveaway
If you'd love to grow vegetables but don't have a lot of room, this giveaway is definitely for you!
I know I want one!
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ARV $199
Hosted by:
A Lucky Ladybug
My Garden Post created by Llona Innovations has been a small family owned and operated company since 2004. Feeling sad when gardening season ended during their trials, they wanted to create something which work just as well indoors. My Garden Post is "A Vertical Growing System for Herbs, Vegetables, Flowers, Fruit and Tropical Plants for urban gardeners with limited space." Included with each growing system is 5 uniquely designed planters and mounting brackets, post and base stand with casters. There are even drain hole plugs for indoor use and you can choose between two color planters - green or terracotta.
My Garden Post created by Llona Innovations has been a small family owned and operated company since 2004. Feeling sad when gardening season ended during their trials, they wanted to create something which work just as well indoors. My Garden Post is "A Vertical Growing System for Herbs, Vegetables, Flowers, Fruit and Tropical Plants for urban gardeners with limited space." Included with each growing system is 5 uniquely designed planters and mounting brackets, post and base stand with casters. There are even drain hole plugs for indoor use and you can choose between two color planters - green or terracotta.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I would grow lots of tomatoes since I don't have much space they can grow vertically and save room
I will grow basil, parsley, oregano, dill, chalmomille, peppermint...and maybe something else
I am gonna grow my flowers if i win this giveaway!! I would try and do my different colored hibiscus. They are so pretty!!
I always wanted a herb garden. So I will grow cilantro, parsley, mint and scallions and keep them close to my kitchen!
I would like to try growing tomatoes for sure.
(lisa lo( rc form
I'd grow herbs and tomatoes.
I would love to grown tomatoes during the summer season. This would be a great addition to my porch and make it easier for me to have great summer vegetables
I would grow tomatoes, peppers, and maybe some herbs. dwelchert at yahoo dot com
We recently moved and everything we try to grow the deer or bugs have eaten. Would love to try this on the deck!
This is such a neat idea- herbs would be great for me as we had to dig up my herb garden. We have run out of space for more gardens so this is a great solution
I would love to grow berries!
I would grow more mini heirloom melons and cucumbers!
Daughter got lots of flower seeds from auntie. I would like to plant these.
Wow! This is cool, I would grown tomatoes, green peppers, and lettuce for sure.
I look forward to planting herbs and leafy greens in this!
I would love to use this to grow spinach, lettuce, swiss chard or even radish leaves.
This would be so helpful to me. During the winter my plants freeze and I would be able to clip cuttings, grow them in this system during the winter and have beautiful plants again come spring. I can also keep my herbs handy.
I would grow strawberries.
I will probably try tomatoes, cucumbers, and a type of squash, if possible.
My son has wanted to start his own garden so we're hoping to start simple...Some herbs, some tomatoes, some peppers (though he hates them) and see how we do.
ooh, I have a tiny backyard yet I love gardening. This would be awesome!
I would likely grow tomatoes and herbs. I'm always trying out new things growing in different places.
I would grow tomatoes because I love to can my own salsa.
I would put this in my son's garden to grow cucumbers or tomatoes. We just had to uproot basically all of our cucumbers because they weren't spread out enough and lots of rain led to fungal disease :( But this would give my little aspiring gardener much better odds!
I live in an apartment with a small patio and this growing system would be perfect for tomatoes!
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