Tuesday, May 21, 2013

$500 VISA or Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Here's a giveaway with a huge prize - $500 on your choice of a VISA or Amazon gift card!

Enter below! Good luck!

VISA and Amazon gift cards 

Welcome to $500 Visa or Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!


With summer just around the corner, we gathered some treats for our beloved fans and avid readers!

Duration: This giveaway will run from May 21, 2013 until June 11, 2013 at 11:59 PM EST. Please feel free to complete the entries at your own pace. Remember, you can always come back to enter daily entries. The more entries you submit, the better chances of winning!

Eligibility: Giveaway is open to everyone WORLDWIDE (as long as he/she has a blog and a Paypal account)! (Please use full name, aliases are fine but not initials.)

One winner will be chosen at random from all valid entries via Rafflecopter within 14 days of giveaway end date. Winner will be contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Once the winner has been confirmed, they will be announced on this page. No purchase necessary. Participant must be 18 years or older to enter.

To join please use the Rafflecopter form below! Have fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: Frugal Follies is not responsible for the prize fulfillment. Organizers’ opinion may be different from yours. Void where prohibited. Giveaway is not associated with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. The host and the sponsors of this giveaway reserves the right to change or cancel the giveaway without prior notice.

(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»
Katie   5

Use it to buy supplies like tile for my complete bathroom renovation

Unknown   7

I'd buy some things we need for our house- a window for one.

peg42   10

I'd buy a desktop for my son. He really could use one for school. Thanks so much.

Brenda Cushman,    11

I would get me a new screen house or use it for the vacation i am takeing in July!

HarleyC   12

I'll use the Visa card to get caught up on my bills and get my truck fixed.

Anonymous,    13

use it for a weekend trip


amp   14

I would get some supplies for my cats and some dental work I need desperately.

apoalillo {AT} hotmail dot com
alyce poalillo

David H.,    17

I would probably go ahead and purchase myself a Blu-ray player, since I do have a collection of Blu-rays, but no way to watch them.


Anonymous,    19

Robbie Irby

I would use it to purchased Dolly Parton movies, CDs, and DVDs!

Unknown   22

Hmmm...I'd probably save it for my trip to France this fall

mendyd   24

Get my husband some new underwear, socks, belt and shirts.
mendyd15@ yahoo dot com

Unknown   25

sadly i owe my best friend $500 so i would give to her :(

AshleighSwerdfeger   26

With a $500 amazon certificate, I could purchase many books for my doula certification and on baby sign language. I could also buy food and other cool items.

Unknown   28

I would use to to purchase airline tickets to see my girl in Mexico.

Michelle Harper,    29

I would use it to buy textbooks and scrubs for my classes in the fall.

Larry Fullhart II,    30

I'd buy a laptop cooler, and an extra battery for my cell phone.

Elizabeth   32

*** Is this correct? "Eligibility: Giveaway is open to everyone WORLDWIDE (as long as he/she has a blog and a Paypal account)! (Please use full name, aliases are fine but not initials.)"??

You have to have your own blog to enter this contest?

Unknown   34

@Elizabeth - I will check on the eligibility requirements with the giveaway sponsor. Thanks for letting me know about that.

Anonymous,    35

*sigh* Beware, people... about just liking liking liking so many pages on Facebook! I was happily entering these blog contests- liking pages and Facebook took away my account! I read that they "get suspicious" of accounts that have like a bajillion likes! Whatever, Facebook.

Anonymous,    37

I'm giving it a shot! If I win, I probably would buy a NEW LAWN MOWER. Yes, Amazon even can get me that! How I need one right now... I want a new one this summer.

Missy   39

No idea exactly what I would use it for, but it would undoubtedly go towards my son! :) A 3 yr old can never have too much! :)

Unknown   40

@Deb - I'm sorry about your Facebook account - you should definitely try to appeal the decision. I hear you about your frustrations with Facebook, though! Many giveaway bloggers are also frustrated with them. Some giveaways no longer use Facebook liking as an optional entry. I know when I enter giveaways (not that often, since I am busy running them!), I won't do an option Facebook "like" entry. But I do Twitter, Pinterest, commenting, and so on.

Darla Cook ddecember@aol.com,    44

Find things for my gkid. He always needs something!

Ann Fantom,    45

If I won, I would buy an iPad

abfantom at yahoo dot com

pamelarm   46

I would use it to buy Christmas presents and school books!

Unknown   50

I would use it toward a new dishwasher. Ours has been out for over a year and we have not been able to afford a new one.

Carol   53

I would buy some groceries.
brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)

Anonymous,    54

if I won, I'd buy some nice new clothes!

Julie B.

Unknown   55

I would use it to buy my daughter a laptop computer that she bring with her when she goes into the Army.

Unknown   56

I would buy a new vacuum cleaner since mine died last week --

Denis Giuffrè   57

With $500 I will buy a new tablet and promote my artworks

Anonymous,    58

i would pay off bills, go shopping, go out to celebrate at a nice restaurant

Ashley O.   59

Some new clothing for my two little girls and I.
Also some New book and Games perhaps too

John Stetson,    62

First I'd buy a Kindle Fire HD, then I'd use the rest for presents for the family.


I would love to use towards airline tickets to visit my family out west.

sweepmom   65

I would buy some new clothes and shoes for myself and my husband.

Unknown   66

I would use it to help get caught up on bills!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

Lori Taube
cltaube @ gmail.com

Mario,    67

Amazon Gift Card: Buy a Tablet or a Kindle Fire HD 4G LTE
Visa Gift Card: Living Essentials

VP22   70

First I would probably stand here in shock. Second I would pay one or two bills. Third I would buy groceries. Fourth, if there is anything left, I would buy a small gift for myself.

Brynn,    71

Sounds boring but I would use it towards some debt!! It would be such a blessing :)

Deanna   72

I would use it towards some decorations in our new house!!

sksweeps   73

I really want a Fit Desk and this would do it! Plus take my best friends out for a very nice lunch.

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

skater425   75

The electric company blew out every appliance in my house, while doing maintenance. Called it an act of God and took no responsibility even though the sun was shining outside. I have fixed everything, but need to replace the subwoofer in my home theater. When on, it smells like burning. Seems unsafe. Would use the amazon to purchase a new one.

Cindy Merrill,    78

I would use the $500 to have our front stairs replaced, we're using cement blocks meanwhile, looks hidious.

Tracey   79

I'd use the Visa to get some bad teeth pulled.

vickie schlicher,    80

I will use it for gas to go visit my daughter this summer

mscoffee77   81

I would use the Visa gift card for my husband's dental appointment.

Anonymous,    85

Give it to my husband to use on the cruise he's going on with his family

NenaS   86

If I win this, I would pay down my overdraft, buy some clothing for my kids and take them out to dinner!

MaryWithrow   87

Fantastic! If I won, I would definitely buy a new laptop!! Thank you!

Michelle Kafka,    91

If I won I would buy groceries, pay bills, and spend some on the kids. Thanks for the chance.

Jay,    93

oops. I wrote my comment instead of name. I would get new baby gear like car seat, stroller, pack n play

Anonymous,    94

I would buy clothing for my kids.


Anonymous,    95

If I won I would buy a computer for my daughter.


Bakersdozen   96

I would probably treat my family to a few things. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Amy Green,    98

Father's Day, my little sister's birthday, and my other sister and mom share the same birthday on another day!

Miss Sarah   101

I'd choose the Visa card and I'd give it to my parents to pay bills!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Catherine Parsons-Armstrong,    102

Much-needed new laptop!

Unknown   104

I would use it to take my hubby and kids on a mini vacation to West Edmonton Mall:)

Debra Guillen   108

If I win the giveaway, I will you use the $500 Visa Gift Card on my upcoming vacation.

STRANGEONE1120   111

I need a new phone and would get my toddler some new clothes

Leah   120

Would probably buy some wedding stuff from Amazon. :)

Anonymous,    122

Use it for our Disney Trip this summer!
Andrew Safie

lorena72389,    125

i'd give it to my mom for her birthday

kfhaggerty   126

The best DSLR body I could find, with an A mount. Sony??!!

Springjoy   129

We're expecting our first baby. We don't know anyone in the area, and won't have any showers...so, that means we're buying pretty much everything ourselves. This would help SO MUCH!

Jennifer B.,    130

I would use it to buy Christmas presents.

Anonymous,    134

get my wife something nice

Ravzie   136

I have been wanting an underwater camera for a long time! GoPro hero 3 black! Thanks.

Unknown   137

buy something nice for the wife
gabbflabber at live.com

Unknown   140

I would buy a laptop, because this one is literally duct taped together and I have to use the inside board to turn it on lol, thank you so much for this chance:) Good luck everyone:)

jlafount   146

Catch up on some Blu-ray and music cds that have been in my wishlist for years

maria   149

I would buy presents for the kids and some nailpolish for me!


Erin   151

I would buy my sister a wedding present, put some in savings, and put some toward bills.

itskoreysworld   156

I love to read! I have soooo many books in my Amazon cart, waiting to be bought and read! I would probably get caught up on my reading a bit.

Alecia,    158

I would use the $500 Visa gift card to pay for gas and food when we go on vacation in July.

Wendy,    159

Early school clothes shopping for my 9-year-old son.

Unknown   160

I would use it to buy my son some new school clothing for when school starts up again. Thank you for the amazing giveaway!

Anonymous,    161

I need money for my kid so she has clotches for the summer,she is growing and really needs them!

Unknown   163

I would pay off some debt, have a total make over before my hubby comes home on leave, buy some diapers for people that need them and give some to my church or charity.
maybe toys or food or vet bills for my pets.
thanks so mauch

Lisa R   166

Help my son who is out of work

sibabe64 at ptd dot net

Rachael,    169

I would use the gift card to buy home decor items to decorate my new apartment. I need some wall art, picture frames, and maybe a new shower theme!

Erika JM   170

I would get a laptop for my design and marketing jobs and school, some new clothes for my son and some new clothes for me. ^_^

Unknown   171

I would put it towards my daughter who deserves so much more than what I can give her.

Gina   172

Save some for Christmas gifts & buy some summer outfits.

Anonymous,    177

I'd use it to pay off some bills.

Unknown   181

I would get my desktop computer fixed and put the rest towards groceries.

foodmom4life   182

Use it for the Cast party we will be having in July!

krystal wethington,    187

I would take the gift card and pay bills and buy some new clothes for my family.

Kayla,    189

I'd use it to buy some new clothes for the family!

msrodeobrat   191

I would use it for our vacation this summer
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Kathy D,    192

Would go towards car repair most likely but would love to use it towards a Disneyworld vacation.

mperkins37   195

I will use it for Parts for the wifes PT Cruiser, so we can get it back on the road & take my Mustang off the road (Gas & Insurance on it is hurting us) Thanks for the sweeps!

Priscilla S.,    200

I would add it to my new furniture fund.

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