$1.00 off juice, yogurt, or fruit
Here are three great coupons that give you $1.00 off either juice, yogurt, or fruit when you purchase 2 Kellogg's cereals. You can also take advantage of sales on the juice, yogurt, or fruit, as well as sales on the cereal. However, you can't also use a separate manufacturer's coupon for the juice, yogurt, fruit, or cereal, since it say "and" and not "when you buy." The little words make a difference!
(But if you have a store coupon for one these, you should be able to use it. Check with your store's coupon policy to be sure.)
Print these coupons for $1.00 off Juice and any 2 Kellogg's Krave Cereals, $1.00 off Fruit and any TWO Kellogg's Cereals, and $1.00 off Yogurt & any TWO Kellogg's Cereals.

(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)
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