Amazon $25 gift code giveaway - ends 8-30-12
I have been spending lots of time this summer doing Swagbucks, and it is really paying off. I earned five $5 gift card codes last month - and I'm going to give them away to one lucky winner!
(If you don't know about Swagbucks, it's the site where you can earn points by watching videos, finding codes, doing surveys, and lots more. I love it! Click here for more information.)
To enter, use the Rafflecopter below! This giveaway is open to readers 18 and older worldwide. This giveaway ends on Friday, August 31, 2012, at 12:01 am. A winner will be chosen randomly soon after the end of the giveaway. The winner will be contacted by email, and the winner must respond within 72 hours. If the winner does not respond, that person will be ruled ineligible and another winner will be chosen.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)
(If you don't know about Swagbucks, it's the site where you can earn points by watching videos, finding codes, doing surveys, and lots more. I love it! Click here for more information.)
To enter, use the Rafflecopter below! This giveaway is open to readers 18 and older worldwide. This giveaway ends on Friday, August 31, 2012, at 12:01 am. A winner will be chosen randomly soon after the end of the giveaway. The winner will be contacted by email, and the winner must respond within 72 hours. If the winner does not respond, that person will be ruled ineligible and another winner will be chosen.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 719 Newer› Newest»Plan to save it and use for Christmas presents
helyn4 at yahoo dot com (Helen S. - @helyn4)
I would get some cloth diapering supplies!
Bethany B
I'd like to get my son an xbox game for his birthday.
Thanks so much.
I like The Book of Cheap and Healthy Recipes.
I would buy some It Works! body wraps.
Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
i'd get some fishing supplies
Got a few books that I want to read - Jill
I would love to get an anniversary gift and some books.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
I'd get a cervical pillow.
I'd like to get Season 4 of House on DVD
shel704 at aol dot com
I'd get a cervical pillow.
eddiem11 (at ) ca dot rr dot com
I like Quick, Cheap & Healthy School Lunches That Your Kids Will LOVE! by Jill Green and Daniel Kaplan (Mar 17, 2012)
I was going to put it towards Christmas gifts.
Name: Jessica
Cheap. Fast. Good! [Paperback]
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
luv to buy a silver ring.
cheap, fast, good.
i'm trying to save up for a new laptop
Cheap. Fast. Good! would be my book
I would save them for christmas! I'll probably buy some christmas books for my kids :D
Cheap. Fast. Good. looks like a really good book :D
I plan on getting my mom something special!
Rafflecopter: Amanda Kinder
I'd love to use it towards some new hair appliances
Thank you!
allishagold at volcano dot net
I would get books that are on my Amazon wish list.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I like Cheap. Fast. Good! by Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I think the book "Cheap. Fast. Good." sounds like a good recipe book.
allishagold at volcano dot net
I'd get some books from my wishlist!
The Cheap and Delicious Vegetarian Meals and Recipes (Vegetarian Cookbook and Vegetarian Recipes Collection) by Pamela Kazmierczak looks really interesting to me!
Darla Kidder
I would use it on Amazon to buy a used video game.
Cheap. Fast. Good!
Darla Kidder
I would buy books for my Kindle.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
i would love to get some books
how to cook healthy & natural meals looks good
I need a new pair of walking shoes, and has some good ones on sale, so I would use it for that!
osullivanrobin1 at gmail dot com
I am interested in the book
Cheap. Fast. Good! by Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross
If I won, I'd buy craft supplies!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I like this one: The Book of Cheap and Healthy Recipes by Michael J. Schiemer
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I would use it for Birthday/Christmas presents
Cheap. Fast. Good! looks like a great book
Flea protection for my cats.
I like the How to Cook Healthy & Natural Meals (Cheap, Easy & Incredible Natural Recipes)
I'd like to start to get Christmas gifts. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
+1'd this giveaway as Amy Orvin
I would save it for Christmas presents-that's what I do with the swagbucks I earn and this would be an added bonus!
clarksrfun at gmail dot com
I would probably get KCUPS for our morning routine. :)
The Broke-Ass Cookbook!
I need new winter shoes
The Book of Cheap and Healthy Recipes
I would buy books Gale Nelson
I would like to get my grandson a new pair of shoes.
Janet W.
I would buy cookbooks!
I like Vegan on the Cheap: Great Recipes and Simple Strategies that Save You Time and Money by Robin Robertson
I;d love to win these. Shannon Aleene
Cheap. Fast. Good! by Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross it what looks the best to me. Shannon Aleene
I'd get textbooks!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I would save this to put toward a new mattress set!
Marcie Wahrer (rafflecopter)
Vegan on the Cheap: Great Recipes and Simple Strategies that Save You Time and Money by Robin Robertson is my favorite cookbook!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I would love the Gluten-Free on a Shoestring: 125 Easy Recipes for Eating Well on the Cheap book!
Marcie Wahrer (rafflecopter)
I would buy books or dvd's
meikleblog at gmail dot com
I'd buy a couple books for my grandson.
kimkmc at yahoo dot com
I'd get a new toaster sine mine sparks when I use it. harleychrys at hotmail dot com
I need some things for my new house.
Cheap and delicious vegetarian meals.
I'd like to get books.
The cookbook Cheap And Healthy Recipes.
I would buy the SpongeBob DVD that my daughter wants for her birthday.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
hopefully get a couple ebooks :)
ssgsweeps @ hotmail .com
I would like to put the gift card towards an iPod touch
I'd love some makeup!
rafflecopter name - Ann Lyfe
I would get some tea for my Keurig.
If i were to win i would save it up for christmas!
Id get the Lorax Blu Ray DVD.
Thanks for the chance.
I would get a purse.
Rafflecopter is so hard to use. Plus some folks still believe in privacy and zero social media.
Raflecopter is so hard to use. Plus some folks still believe in privacy and zero social media.
I would buy some nail polish!
kgn1588 at gmail dot com
I'd love to get a DVD!
Rafflecopter name is Glogirl.
I'd get some new CDs and books!!
amyzak11 (at) gmail (dot) com
I would get books with it.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
Denise S.
I'd buy books, DVDs, and Lego minifigures.
Cookbook choice: "Cheap. Fast. Good"
I save all my Amazon codes for Christmas presents.
I would probably use it to buy my very first books to put on my brand new Kindle that I'm getting for my birthday next week :D
The cheap food cookbook that interests me the most is How to Cook Healthy & Natural Meals by Catherine Reynolds:
I'm saving up for a laptop, so that's what I'd use them for.
I forgot to leave my fb name - Cynthia Conley
The Book of Cheap and Healthy Recipes
fb name - Cynthia Conley
I need some books.
Cheap and Delicious Vegetarian Meals and Recipes
I am trying to save for Christmas.
Cheap Fast Good
I would buy a few CDs
I'd get some crafting supplies.
ighmeg at yahoo dot com
I need so many things for my new house. I'd probably start with new pots and pans.
I'd use it to get back to school supplies
The Book of Cheap and Healthy Recipes
I'd like to get my cousin a baby gift.
I like the Quick, Cheap & Healthy School Lunches That Your Kids Will LOVE!
music for my Kindle!
Honestly, I'd put it towards Christmas shopping! Can't believe I'm already thinking about that!
jennycoupon88 at gmail dot com
Cheap. Fast. Good! by Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross looks like a fun cookbook!
jennycoupon88 at gmail dot com
I would put it towards some Christmas gifts.
JasonCrooks75 (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd probably use it towards Christmas presents for the kids
Saving for Ipad but could also get xbox game for my son
I'm getting books, thanks!
gagaslab at gmail dot com
I'd like to buy some ebooks.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Cheap. Fast. Good! by Beverly Mills.
Rafflecopter: Lilly
I would probably buy a book rkmarsh at aol dot com
I liked Cheap. Fast. Good! rkmarsh at aol dot com
Books or school supplies
Delamere at embarqmail dot com
I get an anniversary gift
The cookbook I like most is :
iride4899 at yahoo dot com
books - I have several waiting for funds to buy
How to Cook Healthy & Natural Meals (Cheap, Easy & Incredible Natural Recipes) by Catherine Reynolds
We are in the market for a new router and every little bit would count.
lots-o-cheap dvds!
cheap! fast! good! cookbook looks interesting
I could use some new underwear! Boring, but that's what I need.
I'd buy baby stuff
I like the Quick, Cheap & Healthy School Lunches That Your Kids Will LOVE!
Cheap Fast Good! The title says it all.
a new sd card
gabbflabber at
It would help pay for the Kindle Fire I want to buy.
I'd treat myself to a new craft book or two- probably a crochet or knitting stitch dictionary!
I'd get books for my kindle.
Rechargable Wiimote batteries.
I'd buy some books on Kindle. -Allan
"The Book of Cheap and Healthy Recipes by Michael J. Schiemer" looks interesting. -Allan
I'm saving for Christmas
I'd like the Quick & Easy Greek Yogurt Recipes
Use it toward a new camera bag
I'd use it towards new sneakers.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I'd put it toward luggage
I would get some e-books for my Kindle Fire!
I would get a new kindle book! I've been buying a ton lately!
I'd like to get Stephen King's new book, The Wind Through The Keyhole.
I'm saving Amazon codes to use for Christmas gifts.
Leave a comment below saying what you'd like to get if you win these codes!
need some pc stuff
Leave a comment below saying what you'd like to get if you win these codes!
need some pc stuff / kelly nicholson
I think I'd save these for Christmas gifts, or else I'd buy books. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
pennies.points.prizes at gmail dot com
This book interests me:
pennies.points.prizes at gmail dot com
I would be an audiobook
I would get diapers for my son!
Entered the Rafflecopter form as "Crave to Save"
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
The Vegan on the Cheap: Great Recipes and Simple Strategies that Save You Time and Money
meikleblog at gmail dot com
I would use it for back to school clothes for my boys.
How to Cook Healthy & Natural Meals (Cheap, Easy & Incredible Natural Recipes)
How to Cook Healthy & Natural Meals (Cheap, Easy & Incredible Natural Recipes) / kelly nicholson
I would buy sneakers for my kids.
I would use it for kitchen supplies and/or mp3s.
the book that I find most interesting is the Cheap and Delicious Vegetarian Meals and Recipes (Vegetarian Cookbook and Vegetarian Recipes Collection)
I would put it into my Amazon account where I am saving for Christmas gifts Debra L. Guillen dguillen at kc dot rr dot com
I like Quick, Cheap & Healthy School Lunches That Your Kids Will LOVE! Debra L. Guillen dguillen at kc dot rr dot com
put it toward a kindle
dwarzel at
I would use this toward a video game :D
I would love to get some books for my kindle.
(Virginia Rowell)
I would get a few books for myself and my daughter
mike2stacy1 at gmail dot com
I like the Cheap. Fast. Good! by Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross book
mike2stacy1 at gmail dot com
I'd get some school supplies for my daughter.
I hope to save for an air purifier.
I would get my son some gender neutral Dora the Explorer toys
Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com
I would get the Quick, Cheap & Healthy School Lunches That Your Kids Will LOVE, it seems really interesting.
Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com
Daniel M - got some movies on my wish list still
I'd like to use it towards paying for my college textbooks.
I would get a new pair of shoes.
Broke-Ass Cookbook: Cheap & Easy Meals for Hardworking, Struggling Families by Miss Kimberly Foster
Vegan on the Cheap is my favorite! harleychrys at hotmail dot com
I'll buy some books.
Botezatu P.
How to Cook Healthy & Natural Meals (Cheap, Easy & Incredible Natural Recipes) seems interestung
Botezatu P.
I would get the Gluten-Free on a Shoestring cookbook as a xmas gift for my mother-in-law; she is on Celiac diet and this book would be very helpeful to her
I'd use it in part to buy more 1:12 miniatures for the miniature kitchen I'm creating.
contactlillea at gmail dot com
I'd love to have a juicer! -Mikki
I actually have "Cheap Fast & Good" and it is excellent!
I would buy some nutritional supplements. s2inamug at aim dot com
I would like to buy some organic groceries (Amanda Jorjorian)
How to Cook Healthy and Natural Meals!
I would buy books and holiday presents.
not sure
I'd buy some books !
danaan at gmx dot at
a headset for my xbox or a game
Definitely books!!
It'd be a great book on film noir!!
I need some diapers and books please..thanks,
i would like to get some clothes
i like How to Cook Healthy & Natural Meals (Cheap, Easy & Incredible Natural Recipes)
I would buy books for my Kindle if I won this. I love Amazon. I buy stuff every month without fail.
i need to get some new pots and pans
I'd get baby supplies for my newborn son. thegrowltiger AT gmail DOT com
If I won I'd add the new Prometheus Space jockey figure to my collection :)
Thanks for the Giveaway!
-Michelle E Dunne-
This would be great to buy decorations for my classroom!
I'd put it towards the swingset we are saving for!
I'd buy some DVD's.
Would like to buy a computer part.
i'd like to get some kidz bop cds for the kids
i like the Quick, Cheap & Healthy School Lunches That Your Kids Will LOVE! by Jill Green and Daniel Kaplan
I would get some new sandals!
selinda_mccumbers at
The Book of Cheap and Healthy Recipes looks good!
selinda_mccumbers at
I would buy a new backpack for my daughter.
I'd put it towards my graduate school textbooks
Marianna B.
Cheap. Fast. Good!
Would put this to good use!
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