Thursday, December 29, 2011

Skyrocket Your Savings! Review and Giveaway

UPDATE: This giveaway has ended.  The winner will be announced soon.  Please enter any of the other giveaways on the left sidebar.

I love to read personal finance books. It doesn't matter what the subject is - getting out of debt, investing, starting a business - I like them all.

What I look for most in these kinds of books is some sort of connection to the writer. Rather than a dry list of money-saving ideas, I prefer to read personal stories about how the author succeeded with money.  I don't just want to learn some theoretical facts about how to get out of debt and save money - I want to see those facts in action in the author's life.

And that's what I found when I read Skyrocket Your Savings! by Rene Christensen, formerly of Budget Saving Mom. This e-book is full of great ideas on saving money as well as lots of personal stories and links to posts at her former blog.

For instance, in a chapter of Needs vs. Wants, Christensen doesn't just list what items in your life are needs and which are wants; instead, she lists the rules she used to determine needs versus wants at a point in her life when she lived on a microscopic budget and only had money for the absolute necessities.

Christensen doesn't just say that you should have an emergency fund; instead, she lists all the financial emergencies she had in one calendar year (including getting a new roof - twice!) and illustrates how if her family did not have an emergency fund, these emergencies would have driven them into debt.  Instead, they were able to draw on the emergency fund.  After looking at her list, I am definitely going to beef up my emergency fund as soon as I can.

The second half of the e-book lists ways that you can save money on expenses such as car expenses, child care, clothing, eating out, electricity, food and toiletries, gas, insurance, medicine, mortgage, recreation, school supplies, TV/phone/Internet, and water bill.  Lists like this, though important, can also make for some boring reading.  But Christensen makes them both entertaining and informative by including links to great deals she's found on these items and more, such as this amazing consignment shop find.

For each chapter, there's an assignment to help you implement the suggestions for that chapter.  Complete these assignments, and you're well on your way to save, save, save!

Whether you're a novice to saving money or a frugal pro, you'll find lots of great information and tips that will help you further your money-saving goals!  I highly recommend Skyrocket Your Savings!

Want to check out a chapter of this book?  Just click here and give a shout-out about Skyrocket Your Savings! on Facebook or Twitter, and you'll receive Chapter 18: Save on Phone, TV, Internet.

Skyrocket Your Savings! retails for just $4.99, making it affordable for everyone.  But I have a special deal just for Frugal Follies readers:
Go to the Skyrocket Your Savings site and add the e-book to your cart.  When you enter the discount code FrugalFollies on the shopping cart page, you'll save an additional 10% off!
Or would you like to get Skyrocket Your Savings for free?

Frugal Follies is holding a giveaway for one copy of Skyrocket Your Savings!

To enter the giveaway,  leave a comment on this post stating which money-saving tips (car expenses, child care, clothing, eating out, electricity, food and toiletries, gas, insurance, medicine, mortgage, recreation, school supplies, TV/phone/Internet, or water bill) you'd like to learn more about.   This entry is mandatory. If you're the winner, I will post your username (but not your email address) and your comment in a future post announcing the winner of the giveaway. By entering, you are giving me permission to post your comment.  If you're posting a comment and don't have a Google account or OpenID, please leave an email address in your comment so that I can reach you if you've won!  This contest is only open to readers 18 or older worldwide.

To get more entries (optional), you can do one or more of the following and then leave a separate comment for each action:
  • Follow Frugal Follies on Twitter (1 entry)
  • Subscribe to the Frugal Follies RSS feed. (1 entry)
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  • Post this giveaway on your own blog (3 entries)
  • Tweet about this giveaway using the following wording (1 entry per day): I just entered to #win Skyrocket Your Savings! #giveaway via @FrugalFollies
  • If you've previously done any of those, leave a comment saying you've done so.
Good luck!  This giveaway will end on Thursday, January 19, 2012, at 11:59 pm Eastern time.  Any entries received after that date and time will not be entered into the giveaway.  I will choose the winner with at the end of the contest and contact the winner via email. 

But if you can't wait that long, buy Skyrocket Your Savings! now and use the code FrugalFollies to get 10% off!  Click here to purchase Skyrocket Your Savings!.

(Disclaimer: I received a review copy of Skyrocket Your Savings!.  All opinions are mine.)

(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)

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Unknown December 29, 2011 at 5:27 PM  

I would like to learn more about saving money on our mortgage. We are hoping to refinance in the upcoming year.

Susan,  December 30, 2011 at 11:33 AM  

Your blog has been so inspiring to me and you have really taught me a lot. The review of this book made me really want it and I would love to win it.

thanks, Susan

Tammy T December 30, 2011 at 8:03 PM  

I would like to learn money saving tips related to eating out, food and toiletries. Thanks for the opportunity.

BellaJade December 30, 2011 at 8:23 PM  

I would like some tips on saving on education, car insurance, homeowner's insurance, gas, and utilities :)

Anonymous,  January 4, 2012 at 10:56 AM  

I'd like to learn more about electricity, water, education, and things like that. I have a husband and 4 kids and one on the way on a one income.

gibberish January 7, 2012 at 7:56 AM  

I'd like to learn money saving tips on vehicle maintenance.
jlgibbings at hotmail dot com

Linda Szymoniak,  January 7, 2012 at 4:27 PM  

I'd actually love to learn how to save on something NOT already mentioned - pet care. I am an animal rescuer and have a number of my own personal pets, and between feeding and vet care, it can get quite expensive. Any suggestions for people like me?

Anonymous,  January 12, 2012 at 9:04 AM  

I'd like to learn more about medicine. I'm currently pregnant and the charges are racking up. It would be helpful to find out how to save.

Sunnie,  January 13, 2012 at 8:16 PM  

Id like to learn more about budgeting

Unknown January 14, 2012 at 12:20 AM  

I posted about this on my blog

Unknown January 14, 2012 at 12:21 AM  

I posted about this giveaway on my blog

Unknown January 14, 2012 at 12:21 AM  

I posted about this giveaway on my blog

Anonymous,  January 15, 2012 at 10:10 AM  

Money saving tips on groceries.

Desiree Dunbar

corey1971 January 18, 2012 at 4:57 AM  

I would like to learn how to save on insurance. (Corey Olomon)(

calvad January 18, 2012 at 8:57 AM  

I would love to learn how to save on my electricity! calvad at aol dot com

Jathnielsworld January 19, 2012 at 11:42 AM  

I would like to learn more about saving money related to education, eating out,child clothing and other stuff and lastly also vehicle maintenance.

Donna January 19, 2012 at 9:07 PM  

I would like to learn how to save money on the electric bill.

Amanda,  January 19, 2012 at 9:53 PM  

I want to learn to save more money on gas and medical expenses.

Luna January 19, 2012 at 9:59 PM  

I would like to learn about the mortgage and medicine saving tips because that is where most of our money goes!

Thanks for the chance to win
kelly (at) mysimplewalk (dot) com

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