ALDI: Cheap baking cups
I took a trip over to ALDI yesterday. We were still pretty well stocked from last week's record-setting trip (I spent more that week than I ever had at ALDI), so I just picked up a few dairy, bread, and produce items.
I also looked through the discounted holiday items. I didn't find any incredible deals there, except for packages of baking cups. They were on sale for 25¢ each (usually 99¢), so I picked up two. Who cares if they're holiday-decorated - people are more excited about eating the cupcake than what it's wrapped in.
Here's what I got:
3 lb yellow onions @ $1.49
1 head lettuce @ $1.15
1 gallon milk @ $2.69
1 container cottage cheese @ $2.19
2 75 ct baking cups @ 25¢ = 50¢
1 family pack tortillas @ $1.99
1 parsley flakes @ 99¢
2 whole-wheat bread @ $1.29 = $2.58
Total spent: $13.61
Total saved: $1.48

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