Meat's in the freezer again!
I was running low on meat, so I headed on over to my local kosher butcher. One reason I do couponing on my other groceries is so that I can afford the high prices on meat there. And boy, are they ever high. But at least the freezer is full again!
3.82 lb chicken breasts @ $4.99/lb = $19.06
4.00 lb ground beef @ $4.99/lb = $19.96
7.69 lb whole chicken @ $2.29/lb = $17.61
Total spent: $56.63

Wow- those are high prices! But good job filling up your freezer. I love knowing I have a freezer full of meat too.
KK @
Oh gosh those are ridiculously high prices! Good for you for stocking up though. My tiny freezer can only handle about a week's worth of meat, so it always feels as if I am out.
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Do you think you could do a special on how to cook with less meat please? Or have you already done one and I missed it?
@Heather - that is a great idea! I will definitely plan on doing that soon!
That is really expensive for meat. Im not sure where you live but Kroger always has good sales on meat. Also Walmart. This week they had chicken breast for 1.99lb
Renee - I only buy kosher meat. Some standard grocery stores in my area carry branded prepackaged meat (I got a kosher Empire brand turkey once at Publix for $1.99 per pound), but they don't generally carry ground beef or steaks or meat like that.
That meat looks like it was worth every dollar over budget. Hubby and I have seriously been looking at changing where we get our meat from. I just found a local store that has meat on sale for less than the grocery store sometimes but it’s all from local farms. We’re gonna try that out for a bit. I really don’t like the meat from the grocery stores lately, especially Kroger. Great job shopping!
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