Frugal Follies is looking for guest posts!
Summer is a busy time for all of us, and it's no exception for me. So I'd like to offer you, my reader, an opportunity to guest post here at Frugal Follies!
Types of posts I'm looking for:
- I'm looking for posts about frugal tips, frugal recipes, saving money, living simply, or frugal book reviews.
- I'm also looking for posts about your best grocery/drug store shopping deal ever.
- Another topic I'd like to see posts about is, "The most frugal thing I've even done is..."
- I'd also like to get posts giving tips for shopping at CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, ALDI, Target, or Walmart.
- Posts should be approximately 200-400 words and should be well-written with good grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Posts should be high-quality and original, and they should not have been published before, either in print or on a blog or website.
- Posts may include up to three links to your own blog or website, but should not include links to affiliate marketing sites.
- Posts that primarily serve to promote a product or service or to get people to click to a particular website will not be accepted.
- Include a short biography after your post, including your blog or website if applicable.
- Submitting a post is not a guarantee of being published. I will let you know whether it will be published within one month.
- Frugal Follies cannot offer compensation for posts.
Thank you so much!

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