Here in Frugal Follies Land, we have two more weeks of school left. Most of the afterschool activities are done, which means no cooking meals ahead of time, picking up and taking kids places, and then coming home to hurriedly reheat the meal. Or worse, not cooking dinner until after the pickup, then even more hurriedly trying to get a meal together. Yay!
So here's what's for dinner this week:
Monday - leftovers from Saturday's dinner with visiting out-of-town family
Tuesday - turkey with snow peas over brown rice
Wednesday - mushroom pizza on whole wheat pizza dough, fruit
Thursday - Clean Out the Crisper pasta and vegetables
Friday - baked chicken legs, tabbouleh, turkey soup with matzo balls, challah
Saturday - grilled cheese and tomato soup, veggie sticks
Sunday - takeout
If you're a frugal food blogger, please come and link up with Frugal Food Thursdays. And check out all of my frugal recipes!
Check out Menu Plan Monday for more menu plans!
I will only eat tomato soup one way...on grilled cheese! lol