Monday, May 23, 2011

Menu Plan 5/23/11: More turkey!

Last week, I cooked a turkey and had two dinners' worth of sliced turkey for dinner (plus two lunches).  I was able to get another two meals' worth of turkey scavenged from the carcass.  Then I make turkey soup with the carcass, and got enough meat left over from that to make some turkey salad for lunch.  So you'll be seeing all that in this week's meal plan.

So here's what's for dinner this week:

Monday - turkey stir-fry with veggies, brown rice

Tuesday - salmon fillets over salad

Wednesday - pepper pizza on whole wheat pizza dough, fruit

Thursday -  Clean Out the Crisper pasta and vegetables

Friday - leftover turkey casserole, turkey soup with matzo balls, salad, challah

Saturday - pasta with meat sauce, salad

Sunday - barbecue with family

If you're a frugal food blogger, please come and link up with Frugal Food Thursdays. And check out all of my frugal recipes!

Check out Menu Plan Monday for more menu plans!

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  1. Thank you for stopping by and linking up with my marvelous menu meme. Love your idea for Turkey Stir-Fry.

    Until Next Time, Happy Cooking

  2. I made a Turkey this past weekend too! I only find time with working full time plus the kids to cook the meat so my Mom does all the side dishes and we eat together! So I made a roast and a turkey over the weekend and she will make them into meals with her time at home on retirement this works out great for us/ I wanted to share the idea with any reader who could do this with a neighbor or co-worker. I live two blocks from Mom and Dad so this works for us! I make some large meat like one time per month and she turns a 15 lb turkey into 7 meals and lunch meat now that is knowing how to stretch !
    The larger items are cheaper by the pound.

  3. I would love to add homemade pizza into some of my menus! Yum :)
