Monday, May 16, 2011

Menu Plan 5/16/11: What a turkey!

The meat in the Frugal Follies freezer is steadily decreasing - I'm going to need to make a run to the kosher supermarket soon.  But we do have a 10 pound turkey in the freezer, bought at Publix during the Passover sales, so we'll be having that for dinner tomorrow.  And it will make several reappearances over the next several weeks as leftover slices, bits and pieces in stir-fries, and in turkey soup.

So here's what's for dinner this week:

Monday - salmon fillets over salad, breadsticks

Tuesday - roast turkey slices, rice, peas

Wednesday - mushroom pizza on whole wheat pizza dough, fruit

Thursday -  Clean Out the Crisper pasta and vegetables

Friday - leftover turkey slices, kasha varnishkes, salad, challah

Saturday - French toast, fruit

Sunday - dinner out!

If you're a frugal food blogger, please come and link up with Frugal Food Thursdays. And check out all of my frugal recipes!

Check out Menu Plan Monday for more menu plans!

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