Friday, May 20, 2011

Look what I got from Vocalpoint!

Check out the great samples and coupons I received from Vocalpoint this week:

I received two different packages - Vocalpoint always packages their products in the most interesting containers!

One was a free sample of Frosted Mini-Wheats Touch of Fruit in the Middle cereal, one buy one - get one free coupon, and three $1.00 off coupons.

The second was for Breve Creme coffee creamer. It was packaged in a foam coffee cup! Inside was one coupon for a free pint of coffee creamer and five 55¢ off coupons for one pint of CoffeeHouse Inspirations or International Delight creamer.

If you're not a member of Vocalpoint, join now and qualify for future freebies!

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Brandi,  May 23, 2011 at 8:46 AM  

I have joined Vocalpoint but I don't understand how you get the coupons and samples in the mail. Is there somewhere I am supposed to be looking on their sight? Thank you for your help. :)

Unknown May 23, 2011 at 9:32 AM  

@Brandi - you can check in periodically, or they may send you emails about giveaways that are going on. I usually see the offers on other blogs that I read regularly and then sign into my account to see if they've been offered to me. (Some offers are regional.)

Brandi,  May 23, 2011 at 10:37 AM  

Oh ok. So it's kind of like Kraft First Taste. Thank you!!

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