Friday, January 14, 2011

What I'm Reading: Eating Well on $1 a Day

And I thought my Clean Out the Cupboards Challenge was tough!  I've been reading the blog entries of the Grocery Coupon Guide, where the blogger decided to challenge himself to eat well on $1 per day.

Now, by itself, that sounds difficult, but not impossible.  But, to make it more difficult, according to his rules he's only allowed to eat food that he bought that month.  No eating from any stockpiled food, or leftovers from the month before, was allowed.  He wasn't even able to use pantry staples like sugar, spices, or even salt and pepper, unless he bought them during the month.

He put other restrictions on his challenge, too.  He wasn't allowed to use unlimited coupons; he could only use coupons from two copies of the newspaper inserts, and was only allowed to print coupons from two computers.  And he could only eat from what he'd bought - no free food from friends or family.

You'll have to read his Eating Well on $1 a Day Challenge to see if he makes it through the month, still nourished and under budget.  But, I'll give away a spoiler... not only does he feed himself during the month, he's also able to give extra food and personal care items to a food bank.  Wow!

I'm looking for challenges to do each month, like the Clean Out the Cupboard Challenge.  This one is tempting... but I think I'll pass on it, and just experience it vicariously.

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