Wednesday Weekly Shopping: Pantry challenge in January?
I invite you to link up to your best grocery deals below, to inspire others to save more!
After last week's spending debacle, I got back on track this week, spending only $60 out of my allotted $80 for the week.
But it wasn't that I was being particularly frugal; it was just that there weren't a lot of bargains to be had out there! Although this coming week's Publix ad looks pretty good, for the most part I've been disappointed by the deals for the last few weeks.
I don't expect January to be much better. So... would anyone like to have an Eat from the Pantry month in January? Send me a note or a tweet or leave a comment below and let me know if you'd like to join me!
I find myself spending more at ALDI lately... their prices on the basic items are even cheaper than many grocery store items, even on sale. So if there isn't an accompanying coupon, it's cheaper to go to ALDI for it. I bought some basics like milk, eggs, flour, and cocoa there.
I also went to Winn-Dixie and got some fruit and some ravioli that was BOGO. I picked up a couple of things, including BOGO Cheerios, at Publix. And I got some deals at CVS and some good buys at Walgreens.
Overall, I spent $60.41 for items worth $116.28, or a 48% savings. (But don't compare percentages!)
See all my shopping here.
How did your shopping go this week? What bargains did you get? Please leave a link to your blog post about your weekly shopping. The aim is not to brag, but to inspire! Please link up directly to your post, not to the blog itself. I'd appreciate it if you put a link to Wednesday Weekly Shopping in your post as well. If you don't have a blog, please leave a comment!
Check out the following to see how others shopped this week!
- Super Savings Saturday @ Money Saving Mom
- Shopping Superstars @ The Thrifty Mama
- Weekly Totals @ I Heart Publix
- Shopping Round-Up @ The Grocery Cart Challenge
- The Cha-Ching Challenge @ Cha Ching on a Shoestring
- Coupon Super Savers @ Coupon Savings Game
- Friday Finals @ Southern Savers
- Week-Ending Finale @ The Frugal Freeloader
- The Savings Bungalow @ Saving a Bundle
- Deal Day @ Organizing for Everyone
- Photo Show & Tell @ Addicted to Saving
- Weekly Savings Linky @ Frugality Is Free
- Share Your Savings Saturday @ Frugal Fun Fortune
- Confessions of a SAHM
- Saturday Success Stories @ Coupon Teacher
- Living Well, Spending Less
- Shopping Trip Savings @ Bluegrass Savers
- Saving the Family Money
- What I Got! @ Kelly's Coupon Addiction
- Deals and Dishes
- Frugal Friday @ Shopper Strategy
- Tight Wad Tips @ Tight Wad in Utah
- The $15 Grocery Challenge
- $60 Weekly Grocery Challenge @ Homemaking Mom
- I Heart Coupons

I'm actually finding myself going in the opposite direction and buying less at Aldi and more at Meijer. The change is because I'm starting to switch over to organic and unfortunately my local Aldi does not carry organics (though I've heard that others do). In January I'm also going to start using my Swagbuck Amazon gift cards to start buying organic food on Amazon (mostly my baking supplies), and anticipate shopping even less at Aldi.
I'm so impressed when anyone even attempts a Eat From the Pantry Month. I definitely skip a week or two, but I feel like (at least in my parts of the woods) the sales are hot one week and slow the next. Then I panic that if I don't stay on top of the sales, I'll spend way too much when I catch up later. Don't get me wrong, I get the concept and all, I just don't think I could do it. I guess that's why it impresses me all the more that fellow bargain shoppers can pass up bargains for a whole month :)
I'll enjoy following your progress.
I'm lucky to have an Aldi within walking distance from me, not that I ever walk there, and I shop there if I need something that's not on sale at my regular stores. They do have a great selection and the fresh veggies are so cheap! I have to agree with you on having a slow week at the grocery stores this week. I didn't shop there except for some unplanned but necessary trips.
Like you I bought a lot of the basics at ALDI, Those that I usually buy store brands off at Publix because there are no coupons. I made a ALDI price comparison list with Publix and Target.
ALDI, Targe, Publix Price Comparison.
I considered adding Winn Dixie, but they usually have a high price on their store brand items.
Thanks for linking up! I am thinking of tackling a couple of organizational posts in January. I will definitely be following and maybe participating in eat from the pantry!
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