Wednesday Weekly Shopping: Cupboard cleaning and year-end totals
I invite you to link up to your best grocery deals below, to inspire others to save more!
I was already preparing for the Clean Out the Cupboards Challenge this week - I pretty much bought all my food at ALDI this week. I really didn't add anything to the cupboard, just bought dairy, eggs, breads, and vegetables.
In addition, I've decided to add more protein to my family's diet - too many spaghetti and pizza dinners lately - so I purchased some chicken and fish at BJ's. And I went to CVS twice and used up a lot of ECBs that were burning a hole in my pocket. So now the bathroom cabinets are pretty full, too!
Overall, this week I spent $81.24 for items worth $139.66, or a 42% savings. (But don't compare percentages!)
See all my shopping here.
And for the year-end totals... well, I didn't keep track of my spending during the months of June, July, August, and September, due to kids being home for the summer as well as bat mitzvah planning. But for the other eight months, I averaged $79.65 per week for items worth $159.10, or just a hair below 50% savings. And just below my weekly budget of $80! Woohoo!
How did your shopping go this week? What bargains did you get? Please leave a link to your blog post about your weekly shopping. The aim is not to brag, but to inspire! Please link up directly to your post, not to the blog itself. I'd appreciate it if you put a link to Wednesday Weekly Shopping in your post as well. If you don't have a blog, please leave a comment!
Check out the following to see how others shopped this week!
- Super Savings Saturday @ Money Saving Mom
- Shopping Superstars @ The Thrifty Mama
- Weekly Totals @ I Heart Publix
- Shopping Round-Up @ The Grocery Cart Challenge
- The Cha-Ching Challenge @ Cha Ching on a Shoestring
- Coupon Super Savers @ Coupon Savings Game
- Friday Finals @ Southern Savers
- Week-Ending Finale @ The Frugal Freeloader
- The Savings Bungalow @ Saving a Bundle
- Deal Day @ Organizing for Everyone
- Photo Show & Tell @ Addicted to Saving
- Weekly Savings Linky @ Frugality Is Free
- Share Your Savings Saturday @ Frugal Fun Fortune
- Confessions of a SAHM
- Saturday Success Stories @ Coupon Teacher
- Living Well, Spending Less
- Shopping Trip Savings @ Bluegrass Savers
- Saving the Family Money
- What I Got! @ Kelly's Coupon Addiction
- Deals and Dishes
- Frugal Friday @ Shopper Strategy
- Tight Wad Tips @ Tight Wad in Utah
- The $15 Grocery Challenge
- $60 Weekly Grocery Challenge @ Homemaking Mom
- I Heart Coupons

I love your site, so much information. I am a new follower and just linked up with my blog post :)
Laurie ~ Frugal Michigan Mom
You are on the right track, for sure!
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