Sunday, December 26, 2010

Menu Plan 12/27/10: Getting ready to clean out the cupboards!

Time to do a little menu planning!

Next week, I'll be co-hosting a Clean Out the Cupboards month with three other great bloggers.  So since I know my pantry contents have to last the month, I'll resist the temptation of using the last of the cheese ravioli in the freezer, or the skirt steak in there that's marinated in garlic and sun-dried tomatoes.  (My mouth is watering as I write this.)  I'll be sure to want to have that later on in the month, when my pantry is otherwise empty of all the yummy stuff and I'll be making beans and rice four nights a week!

Friday is New Year's Eve, so we'll probably go out for dinner that night, followed by a quiet evening at home, maybe with a nice fancy dessert.  Any ideas for me?

And here's what's for dinner this week:

Monday - spaghetti and meatballs, salad

Tuesday- Chicken Basquaise over brown rice

Wednesday - mushroom pizza on whole wheat pizza dough, fruit

Thursday - tuna-noodle casserole

Friday - dinner out!

Saturday - Banana French Toast (I love breakfast for dinner!)

Sunday - takeout!

If you're a frugal food blogger, please come and link up with Frugal Food Thursdays, a new feature here at Frugal Follies.  And check out all of my frugal recipes!

Check out Menu Plan Monday for more menu plans!

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Life Goes On December 26, 2010 at 9:59 PM  

Good luck on your month of cleaning out the pantry. Since I moved into this tiny apartment I know longer have any kind of a pantry so limited to what I can buy at any one time.
Instead I am cleaning out my closet and paring down all the clothes I never wear.

Will be back Thursday to link up.. grace

Anonymous,  December 27, 2010 at 3:21 PM  

I agree with SnoWhite - Banana French Toast sounds so good! I've bookmarked it to try.

Happy New Year!


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