Monday, November 15, 2010

Target: Thanksgiving 2010 coupon book

I received this great Thanksgiving 2010 coupon book from SuperTarget in the mail today.  It has $18 in Target coupons included, and also has a card for $5 off grocery purchase of $50 or more on the back!

Best of all, some of the coupons match up with this week's deals.  Here are some matchups:

Campbell's cream of mushroom soup
Buy 5 at $0.50 each
Use $1 off 5 Target coupon from Thanksgiving 2010 coupon book
Use $1.50 off 3 manufacturer's coupon
Total = 5 cans for FREE!

Betty Crocker potatoes
Buy 5 at $.79 each
Use $1 off 5 Target coupon from Thanksgiving 2010 coupon book
Use 2 $1/2 manufacturer's coupons (IE) (FF)
Total = $0.95 for 5, or 19 cents each!

Del Monte vegetables
Buy 10 at $0.45 each
Use $1 off 10 Target coupon from Thanksgiving 2010 coupon book
Use 2 $1 off 5 manufacturer's coupon from the 9/19 RedPlum insert
Total = $1.50 for 10, for 15 cents each!

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