Thursday, March 25, 2010

Under a Buck at Publix 3/25/10 - 3/31/10

Want to get a great deal at Publix, but don't have the time to clip coupons? Here's a list of some of the items under $1.00 this week at Publix, according to the weekly (South Florida) ad. Please check your local ad to be sure that these deals are available in your area.
  • 39¢ - Sweet potatoes, per pound 
  • 50¢ - Selected Publix soft drinks, 2 liter bottle
  • 59¢ - Swanson Broth, 14 oz can
  • 74¢ - Hunt's tomatoes, 14.5 oz can
  • 74¢ - Ronzoni pasta, 12 or 16 oz box
  • 99¢ - Whole fresh picnic pork, per pound
  • $1.00 - Philadelphia cream cheese, 8 oz package

Check out Wednesday Weekly Shopping to see what bargains I snagged this week, and link up your bargains as well!  And check out my Under a Buck series for more deals at supermarkets and drug stores!
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