Friday Follies: More fun at Albertsons (link up your follies, too!)
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Why do I even have a grocery budget, when I keep overspending it?
Don't get me wrong, I had a good reason.
My local Albertsons is going out of business - today is the last day - and the sales have been progressively getting better and better and better. And I keep going back for better and better deals.
I went on Tuesday, when groceries were 40% off, and here's what I got:
Then I went on Wednesday, when groceries were 50% off, and got all this:
I spent $29.24 on this stuff: 4 jars of spaghetti sauce, 4 cans of pineapple, 4 boxes of herbal tea, a gallon of milk (only 25% off, but when do you get a sale on milk?), 1 grape juice concentrate, 1 nasal spray (75% off), 4 jars of sprinkles (90% off), 2 packages of frozen fish fillets, 2 containers of hummus, and 4 containers of salsa (with coupons, 11 cents overage on each one). I had coupons for about half the items.
Well, if the damage to my budget wasn't bad enough, I went today, when the sales were 75% off on groceries and 50% off on dairy. I thought the place would be pretty empty after all the sales, but there were still quite a lot of groceries there. I got all this stuff for $36.29:
Yes, it took two pictures to get everything: 2 bags of cocoa, 2 boxes of cereal, 12 cans of tomatoes with green chilies, 2 packages of fruit cups, 10 cans of mushrooms, 6 cans of mixed nuts, 3 boxes of drink mix, 1 box of cake mix, 1 can of frosting, 1 bottle of strawberry syrup, one bag of marshmallows, two bags of dates, one box of wheat gluten (for baking whole-wheat breads), 18 2-packs of butter, 4 cans of orange juice concentrate, 6 cheese chunks, 4 boxes of cream cheese, 4 boxes of pectin, 3 packages of glue sticks, 3 boxes of pain reliever (90% off), and 4 jars of sprinkles (95% off),
So, all together, I spent $90.66. Granted, I won't have to buy a lot of stuff for quite a while. But, why do I even claim to have a budget?
Link up your good shopping stories at my other linkup, Wednesday Weekly Shopping, and check out more bad days at Friday Fails and Friday Frustrations.
What funny or crazy things have you done in the name of frugality? Please leave a link to your post below. I would appreciate it if you had a link back to Friday Follies in your post! If you don't have a blog, then leave a comment. Thanks!

Great deals worth breaking your budget. You'll save in a long run
Happy Friday Follow.
I am your new follower.Tag, you're it,lol
Good deals!! I am now following you from Friday Follow. Happy Friday Follow :)
I ask myself the same thing. But I'm bound and determined to get it under control. :)
Now THAT's what I call shopping! You go girl!
Friday Following you! You can visit me at
Following you back from your follow :) Thanks for the visit and I'll stop back soon!
Wendy @
That's so awesome though! I understand about the supposed grocery budget. Mine seems to change weekly! :p
Thanks for linking up to Friday Fails!
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