AtTENding to Our Finances in 2010 January update
Now that's the end of January, it's time to look at my family's financial goals for the year and see what progress we're making. As I posted at the beginning of the year, here are our financial goals:
- Save up and pay cash for the expenses of my daughter's bat mitzvah by July 2010. We started the year having saved 58% of the necessary money. It was a tough month, with insurance and unexpected home repair expenses. Still, we were able to save enough to have 64% of the required amount.
- Save up a proper emergency fund by December 2010. No action on this goal We have about 10% of the amount necessary.
- Once those two goals are finished, pay off our home equity line. No action on this goal. We did pay the interest accrued on the loan.

These are some awesome goals, Laura. I'll do my best to encourage you...if you do the same for me!
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